Creating a list of instructors (for bulk upload)

Updated by Corine Barbazanges

Bulk uploads allow you to quickly create your user database in SENAR Studio, or to assign/unassign collections to a large number of instructors in one single operation.

Here is how to create your user list.

Case 1: The instructors do not yet exist in SENAR Studio

Download this .csv template.

Important: if you use this .cvs file in Excel, don't open it, but import it via the "Data" tab. This template uses the comma as a separator.
  • Email, First Name, Last Name and Country must be completed for each instructor.
  • Country: only use exact names from this list.
  • Reference and Password can be left blank for all/some of the instructors. Even if you leave these columns empty, don't delete them.
  • Reference: this optional field offers you an additional sort key in reports. For example, you may want to enter a region or cost center code - depending on what is relevant to your organization.
  • Password: 
    • A SENAR password must be at least 6 characters long, and contain letters and at least one number.
    • If you enter passwords for your instructors, don't forget to let them know what they are.
    • If you leave this field blank, each instructor will automatically receive an email inviting them to create their own password.
Do not delete, rename or localize column names. Your import file must be saved in .csv format and must use the comma as a separator, with no exceptions.

Case 2: The instructors already exist in SENAR Studio

  1. Go to the Instructors section of SENAR Studio.
  2. Use the filters to display only the instructors you wish to export.
  3. Check the box at the top of the 1st column to select all visible instructors. You can also fine-tune your selection by unchecking the persons you may wish to exclude.
  4. Click the down arrow at the top of the 1st column and select Export.
Export users
  1. Check Case 1 above to learn how to use this exported .csv file.
    Important: if you use it in Excel, don't open it but import it via the "Data" tab.
The "Password" field in the .csv will be empty and must be kept as such. Do not delete this field or the re-import will not work.

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